金山 发表于 2014-5-20 12:23:14



藝術總監的話:親愛的各位來賓各位觀衆以及友情出演的藝術團体和藝術家們,各位演員們以及你們的家庭成員,請讓我在這裡再一次由衷的感謝你們的光臨和支持!春天如此美好,我們怎不為之舞蹈, 親愛的朋友是這春意盎然的季節讓我們再一次的相約在這裡,今天沒有華麗的言語只有動人的舞蹈。一年之計在於春,春是四季的開始,今天也是我們“萬紫千紅總是春”舞蹈匯演走過的第四個年頭,這也將是我們的再一次開始。一樣的情懷一樣的感慨,追求所在,是摯愛所在,故能執著,是你們對舞蹈執著的愛時刻的觸動著我引領著我,因您而感發,因您而驕傲,您們就像一颗顆耀眼的明星始終闪耀在我心灵的天空,春夏秋冬年復一年日復一日我們共同一起沉侵和蕩漾在舞蹈這一聖潔的藝術殿堂之中。今天海燕中國舞蹈團, 斯坦福大學中國舞蹈團非常榮幸的與我們的特邀嘉賓DANCEWRIGHTPROJECT和 斯坦福大學中國舞蹈團創始人之一Kerry Lee同台演出。我們將共同一起給大家帶來一台包括中國舞,現代舞,爵士舞在内耳目一新的精彩節目。海燕中國舞蹈團始終秉持著弘揚中國文化,團結社區和傳遞友情的宗旨,我們身行力踐的竭誠為每一位熱愛舞蹈藝術和中國文化的愛好者提供空間和機會,不分年齡,不分國界進行嚴格的專業訓練,融入主流社會參與社區各種不同形式的演出,讓每一位舞者在舞蹈藝術這一領域中充分地發掘和展示自身的潛力和才華,陶冶他們的藝術氣質並提高他們的藝術水平,使其從中學習和了解中華文明的歷史與文化,並將燦爛優美的中國舞蹈藝術繼續在海外發揚光大。再一次感謝大家的光臨!藝術總監:張海燕Words of the Director from Hai Yan Jackson Chinese Dance Dear guests, visitors and friendship art organizations and artistes, actors and all your family members, please let me here sincerely thank you for your presence and support!Spring is so beautiful, how can we not to dance. I love spring because she shows the life strength of all creatures on earth. I thank spring because once more she brings all my friends to meet here in this “Dancing Colors Of Spring” Performance.This is the fourth year of “Dancing Colors Of Spring” performance. I believe as the year pass, our performance added more variety and quality and also becomes more mature. I sincerely wish all of you enjoy it.Today, I’d like to introduce my honored special guests, The Dance Wright Project andKerry Lee, the co-founder of Stanford University Chinese Dance Group and all her team members. Together with them we are going to brings Chinese Dance, Contemporary Dance, as well as Jazz Dance on the stage. Please let us give them a warmly welcome!My dear friends and dancers, we all share the same passion and love with dance. I deeply understand why you are so dedicate to it. I am very much proud of you. You all like shinning star twinkling in the sky of my soul. I’ll never forget the uncountable practice you made day in and day out. I’ll never forget how much passion you put in dance. Let’s immerse ourselves in the holy palace of art – Dance.As always, Hai Yan Jackson Chinese Dancing aims to promote Chinese Culture and strengthen our multi culture community. We offer the opportunity to people who loves dance no matter of what the age is and the nationality is. We offer opportunity to people who want to bring their enthusiasm and talent out. We offer opportunity to people who like to have professional dance training and a live show experience.I sincerely wish each of every student of the Institute enjoy the training and develop its own skill and talent in the same time learn the Chinese civilization history and culture. Let the brilliant and graceful Chinese dance art continuously flourish in the world.

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查看完整版本: 舞蹈《萬紫千紅總是春》6月1日在舊金山公演